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single needle 2 thread chain stitch calculation

I.E department law

Consumption for single needle double thread  chin stitch ;
 C = ( 4N+ 2T ) ×S = 4NS + 2TS = 4+ 2TS  there  NS = 1
Example ,  If there are 10 stitch per inch and thickness is 0.02 inch , what is the thread consumption per inch ?
C = 4+2ts = 4+2 ( 0.02 + 10 ) =  24.04 inch
Example : If there are 20yds of chain stitch in a garments then how many meter of thread are  needed for chain stitch ?
1 yds = 36 inch
 20 yds = 36×20 inch = 720 inch
1 inch  needed =24.04 inch thread .
720 inch needed = 24.04×720 = 17308.8  inch thread
1 meter = 39.37 inch
17308.8 inch = 17308.8 ÷39.37 = 440 meter thread .

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