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Consumption formula for interlock sewing machine ,

I.E department law
Consumption formula for interlock sewing machine ,
   Inter lock = over lock + chin stitch .
Example if there are 24 yds of inter lock sewing in a garments then how many mater of sewing thread are needed for inter lock sewing ?  if over lock stitch per inch 13  and chin stitch per inch 4  then calculation.
Now ,   Over lock  stitch , 1 yds = 36 inch
                                    20 yds = 20 ×36 = 720 inch
                                     1 inch = 13 inch thread
                                     720 inch  = 13 ×720 = 9360 inch
                                       1 meter = 39.37 inch
                                        9360 inch = 9360 inch ÷39.37 inch  = 273.75 meter
Now chain stitch , 1 yds = 36 inch
                                    20 yds = 36 ×20 =720 inch
                                  1 inch stitch = 4 inch thread
                                    720 inch = 4×720 = 2880 inch thread
                                   1 meter = 39.37 inch
                                    2880 inch = 2880 inch ÷39.37 inch  = 73.16 meter thread
So inter lock stitch consumption = 273.75+73.16  = 347 mater

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