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Consumption formula for 3 thread over lock sewing ,

I.E department law 
Consumption formula for 3 thread over  lock sewing ,
C = ( 3N+ 4W+ 4T ) × S
 = 3NS + 4WS+ 4TS
 =  3+  4S ( W+T )
Here , NS= 1
            S = stitch per inch
            T = thickness
           W =  seam width .
An example , if there are 9 stitch per inch thickness are 0.05 inch and seam width 0.25 inch  then what will be thread consumption per inch ?
 Now C = 3+ 4S(W+T )
             = 3+ 4×9 ( 0.25+0.05 )
              = 13.8  inch .

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